5th of March, 2017 (Sunday)

Page 446

"On the plus side, this is much less explicit than any of the 50 texts she sent me."

Hey guys, I've started to feel a lot better lately, and hopefully will be able to increase up to 2 or even 3 pages a week in the following months.

With this in mind, I've considered starting a patreon page to help pay for the website and other expenses. So I'm throwing it open to you guys: if I do open a patreon page, are you interested in supporting it? If you are, are you interested in any specific rewards/goals?

Comments (21)

5th of March, 2017 (Sunday)
I would absolutely support you on Patreon, even if just a few dollars! I'm glad you're feeling better and up to posting more, Tober.
Well, that answers, "What happened to Rothwell?", "What about Eos?", and "Does Sam stand a chance with Eos?" and opens up a bunch more.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, Tober. I could cough up a few bucks.
Kid Cthulhu
This is an incredible page! The colors, the poses, the impending doom! Glad you're feeling better but pace yourself; don't push yourself towards burnout.
Sadly, I'm in no position to donate Tober. Sorry.
Oh my those faces in the last panel. I would be very interested in supporting your patron Tober!!! So glad to hear you're feeling better
Tober, I love your work and will immediately add you to my roster of Patreon artists when you set up your page.
@Kid Cthulhu - even $1 helps support an artist. Right now my budget is tight, so I pledge $1/month each for up to 15 artists. When I finish school in May and get a real job, I'll be doubling that amount, then adding more as my budget permits. I also promote artists that I like, encouraging my friends to be Patrons as well. As regular readers, its the least we can do to support the time and hard work that goes into a webcomic.
I'm really glad you got better, Tober. I won't be able to help you with money just now though. Maybe later. I hope you'll get the support you need, I like your work and I'm really thankful for it.
I would happily support a patreon page! Whatever you need to keep this story going!
Wait, why would Eos help Rothwell in this timeline? She would have still seen at least as far as Rothwell threatening to shoot Charlie.
6th of March, 2017 (Monday)
Will gladly give you money for story
I will definitely give some. Do what you can we understand about the delays. Glad you are feeling a bit better.
If it is worth my time to read (and this IS) it is worth some Patreon support. May you reach the lofty heights Jeph Jacques has achieved.
Ash's face in the 4th panel may be my favorite face I've seen in this whole comic.
what happened to Emi I only see Sam, Charlie and Ash by the car
I'd support a Patreon page.
I'm dirt poor, so I'm unable to support a patreon, but I have your website white-listed in my adblocking software. I love this comic, and I'm thoroughly invested in the storyline and the characters. I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better.
Welcome back, Tober. ^_^
As for the note.... Eeeeesh. :(
7th of March, 2017 (Tuesday)
Patron is a great option whoever made it is genuis. Now if i had a less sucky job i would suport the 150 diff webcomics i read*this ones in top5 😆
8th of March, 2017 (Wednesday)
I already support a couple of artists through Patreon, and will gladly throw in with you as well.
As 'ersch' says, if it is worth my time to read, it merits my support of your work and your industry.
Keep it up, Tober! We're behind you!
9th of March, 2017 (Thursday)
The site is currently experiencing some major issues, and I have moved it to a new host. Please tell me if you see anything breaking.
10th of March, 2017 (Friday)
Kid Cthulhu
I just jumped all around the site, randomly pulled up pages from the archives, etc. and it all looks good. No issues to report, Tober.

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