Ois Good guy or bad ? Also the art for this page looks amazing.
Me, not you Woah @Ois I agree, this is pretty rad
😯 ooh!
Not That Guy @Ois I am guessing he's more or less neutral in that he shapes the universe(s) to what he needs them to be without care about life.
PrimordialRageChick OMG SUPERNAT-OO-RAL
Amazing Thing His little feet are so adorable.
Kid Cthulhu Finally, a departure from the sadness (and perhaps some explanation as to what's really going on).
Phlatus Move your left foot out into the light, Imposing Dude. We need to check for a puncture scar.
DianaJ What
Papy Oh golly I think the party has only just begun.
Dad Hyperion, the Titan who fathered the sun, the moon, and the dawn.
PrimordialRageChick @Dad Cool! So I guess he's Eos's dad, then?
Opus the Poet And back to the beginning?
Gronk ohhh, so cool!
rea I expected an unexpected turn of events, but I did not expectt this . . .
Chris Phlatus, that was exactly my thought as well.... little scar, where are you
monsterzero Is that guy not wearing anything? I hope he put a towel down before he sat.
Inspector Hound Hmm. Literally Hyperion? One of the Titans? Or named after him?
G it didn't end the way it was supposed to, so they are gonna do it all again
BrentOGara Truly impressive art... exactly the kind of thing I'd expect from a guy who manipulates time and the destiny of worlds! :D
LaughingTarget Maybe this is the Hyperion Handsome Jack runs.
Rock Whoa. 0.0
Karin Whoaaaa Great art first off But also whoaaaa
Star Wait, in Greek mythology, Hyperion was the father of Eos! :OOO
Deof Movestofca @Papy: Does that mean the guests include the wolfman, Dracula, and his son?
21st of May, 2016 (Saturday)
Mr. Jones Oh my. What in the nine billion names of god is happening?
1st of June, 2016 (Wednesday)
ohwilleke Per Wikipedia: "In Greek mythology, Hyperion (/haɪˈpɪərɪən/; Greek: Ὑπερίων, "The High-One") was one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky or Heaven) who, led by Cronus, overthrew Uranus and were themselves later overthrown by the Olympians. With his sister, the Titaness Theia, Hyperion fathered Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn) . . [he] was ascribed the characteristics of the "God of Watchfulness, Wisdom and the Light"."
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