Kid Cthulhu Anyone else have the sudden urge to sing the Rocky Horror Picture Show theme?
:P @Kid Cthulhu It's more that the song "time warp" started running through my head and now I have the urge to go listen to it
DonatelloFellow I wonder when we're going to find out when the "red-headed demon" nickname comes into play.
DMAN Romance, rowdiness, and a lot of red.
Wally Does "Kiss and Makeup" mean 'I'm sorry and all is forgiven'? ...Or do we get to see Charlie in a dress with full makeup, or maybe more traditionally; Ash in a dress with full makeup?
DMAN Wally, maybe a little of both? We'll just have to wait and see. :p
Wally @john m: ...It's just a jump to the left...
vyktorya has no one else here noticed that due to the simplicity of this chapter's cover, the main symbol does not appear?
MissTeddy Mwa ha ha! Revenge shall be swift and built upon a strong foundation! @ John m - PICTURE SHOOOOOOW @ vyktorya - Um call me clueless... But main symbol?
Opus the Poet It's all block letters, maybe it's KISS and makeup. I call Sam as Gene Simmons, Charlie as Ace Freeley, and Ash as Peter Kriss. And Eos as That Other Guy.
16th of December, 2015 (Wednesday)
Chris @MissTeddy I WANNA GOOOOOO
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