"Next you'll be saying my first dog isn't living on a farm somewhere!"
Comments (18)
23rd of November, 2015 (Monday)
Kid Cthulhu Christmas Story, eat your heart out...
Thomas Hehe I wonder where it is now?
jörg Over here you're getting nine candles on your ninth birthday. Or is on the picture one candle behind another one? Funny how he talks about himself in third person.
Jono Pretty sure he's aware of it especially in the last panel... though after the time travel bit they're considered different people.
RazorD9 Wow Sam, just wow. Good thing Sam has someone to say were all those picture of, especially once he gets to the embarrassing ones. Sure it's still him in the pictures, but it's true that they are also Charlie.
Qwerty I can't help but read that with full stops after each word. Just bold doesn't quite do it. Forget how it looks, that must have been comfortable and warm.
shadowrunner2323 i love the lamb suit ^^
Jeudi Violist By chance, is it the same lamb plushie that appears on page 300?
Lokitsu @Jeudi He did say it was magical.
Rock @ Thomas: I expect the lamb suit was transformed into Morpheus, Sam / Charlie's beloved lamb plushie.
Rick There seems to be a magical lambs theme here... Censor-sheep and magical lamb plushies. Wait, maybe that's where the censor-sheep came from! They are the magical lamb plushie continuing to protect him...
Wally @Rick: I noticed that too. Soooo... keeping with the sheep theme... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMq8XS4LhE
24th of November, 2015 (Tuesday)
Rick @Wally, ok, that was... demented.
shadowrunner2323 @Wally .....WTF did i just watch!?!!!?!?!??!?!!?
Jillian It's really odd... He looks the same age in all the pictures.
Opus the Poet Jillian, without something of constant size to scale against kids will look pretty much the same no matter what the age between toddler and tween with this art style.
25th of November, 2015 (Wednesday)
Jillian The hair styles should at least change! Is it done in Poser? There are ways to take the figures into other programs (like Blender—which is free) and do more to change the faces. It'd help a lot with the facial expressions, too. They aren't bad, but a big "stiff."
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