"No-one must interfere while I fee-- While the surprise is administered!"
Comments (19)
26th of June, 2015 (Friday)
Ois What did she buy?????
shadowrunner2323 Commencing surprise in 3... 2... 1... I made it all up. Surprise. [party horn]
Corvus A frilly pink dress!
LaughingTarget Looks like one of those cheap tool sets you buy for your car.
Chris Comic Books!
rex_brimstone im wanting to think it is a really cool pair of friendship bracelets.
zhourahl Opaque blacks bags are usually suspicious...
atemu1234 I suspect it's a dress. Possibly.
Vynes Wearing the green shirt in frame 3, ... is that another future Ash?
MikeLikesIt I hope it is not a bra to go with his dress.
RazorD9 Happy Birthday Charles, I got you a knife!
Sharo This can't be good. Nothing good ever comes out of mysterious black bags/cases. It is known! Run, Charlie, run for the HILLS!
Yochanan She bought rope, a spoon, and a jar of Vegemite.
27th of June, 2015 (Saturday)
CathySmith Vitameatavegamin?
Kid Cthulhu @Yochanan o/~ I said do you speak-a my language, He just smiled and handed me a Vegemite sandwich o/~
28th of June, 2015 (Sunday)
rex_brimstone today was my graduation open house, i just graduated highschool, and will be going to an apprentice elctricianship, i wanted to know if just this once, youd double update for me =3 lolz i am only slightly kidding. although that would be epic for the update. i dont need it ill be patient like the rest of your fans, but i check back everyday
zhourahl @rex_brimstone It would be nice, but lots of people have things like that to celebrate, and it would not be pheasible for Tober and people like him/her to honor everybody. That said, contratulations, and good luck!
rex_brimstone @zhourahl thanks man. and i was joking and very tired last night i didnt remember sending that message last night till i checked back lolz and @ tober , dont worry about my previous mesage and go at your own pace awsome webcomic =3
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