Can't argue with that. Wait, yes you can. Quite easily.
Comments (16)
30th of September, 2015 (Wednesday)
Qwerty Eating and drinking cold things when you are cold is supposed to be better for you than hot food. It makes your body compensate more rather than it doing less or even the opposite for a while. Apparently kids have got it right. Ice cream is for when you are cold.
Lloyd I just realized that they are looking at the ice cream section at the grocery store. At first I thought they were looking out the window at a brick wall. And thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Kid Cthulhu That last panel is the frozen food section, right? They're trying to find chocolate? Probably not wise leaving Charlie alone in the hotel when there's a Chrono-Assassin in persuit.
Jono Love the look on Ash's face, like a startling revelation
zhourahl I've only gotten a bad enough cold to be cold once but I still totally wanted ice cream. That near-faint makes me more concerned though.
Chris Remember what Cliff said in Cheers. Drinking an ice-cold drink on a cold day results in a more comfortable body temperature. So, logically, eating ice cream while your body is cold will make the weather more comfortable for you.
vyktorya something bad is going to happen. i know it.
Wally @vyktorya: Yep something bad will happen... the Chocolate Ice cream will have nuts in it and Charlie doesn't like nuts...
1st of October, 2015 (Thursday)
Ordroma @Wally Or they're guna come back with strawberry ice cream, chapter title was strawberry.
zhourahl Hopefully Sam remembers what ice cream he liked.
Solar I don't understand what that has to do with ice cream either.
Miss Teddy They are all so cute.
Felix Only White (vanilla) and red (strawberry) are in the last panel. Next shop :)
5th of October, 2015 (Monday)
Muse This was me today. 45*f (7.2c for those of you whose measurements make sense) and I still went to the local farmstand for some. sat at a picnic table, shivering, but knowing they'll be closing any day now. had to get one more in.
20th of May, 2016 (Friday)
shoopydoop @vyktorya yeah, we haven't seen Not Benedryl Cumberbatch in a while
shoopydoop *benedict* goddam autocucumber
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