16th of April, 2018 (Monday)

Page 545

Comments (5)

16th of April, 2018 (Monday)
Nope. Charlie, meet Gothwell! Not to be confused with Rothwell. Just remember that Rothwell is much shorter than Gothwe-- I mean, Memnon.
17th of April, 2018 (Tuesday)
Well? Roth-what are you roth-waiting for?
(Tober, what happened to the site earlier?)
To be fair, Charlie was not in very good shape when Tober put up the comparison chart, so it's understandable he didn't see it.
21st of April, 2018 (Saturday)
I must have missed the explanation of sketches instead of finished pages. Why?
@WGC - Tober puts up sketches when he knows we are waiting for updates, but he hasn't been able to finish the pages.

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