You can tell by the heavenly trumpets that herald her arrival.
Comments (8)
4th of October, 2014 (Saturday)
Norbu you know what? I am still waiting for them to all go to the weading, I bet ash comes.
Fox YA! and mabey then we'll get to finaly see her be cool and stuffs
14th of October, 2014 (Tuesday)
A nonny mouse Wonder what Charlie thought 'flailing' meant there...:)
15th of October, 2014 (Wednesday)
Guesticus Or which 'she' they were talking about
19th of October, 2014 (Sunday)
Deof Movestofca If she walks like an angel, talks like an angel, flails like an angel, does that mean she must be a devil in disguise? =OP
14th of June, 2015 (Sunday)
Panda Yes. Yes it does Deof
6th of November, 2015 (Friday)
LikingAndrogynousSam I have to wonder about little Sam (Charlie) being shown in shy, demure, pigeon-toed poses. That is something that is almost exclusively a (socialized) "girl thang". Look at clothing and other ads with people aged 6-26. The males stand feet apart, chest out, arms relaxed, chin Ash in Frame 4; the females stand feet demurely together or pointed in, poor posture or looking frail, arms in (unless trying to be sassy or sexy), chin &/or eyes slightly Charlie/Sam in that frame. Hmmm.
LikingAndrogynousSam Oh, and those shorts look like a skirt, and Charlie/Sam is wearing short sleeves, too, while Ash if fully covered in long sleeves and long pants. SOOO, opposite the usual gender roles. Also, I have much experience seeing "girls" who look like "boys" and Ash does not look like a tomboy/future lesbian to me. Ash's face looks like male to me.
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Comments (8)
you know what? I am still waiting for them to all go to the weading, I bet ash comes.
YA! and mabey then we'll get to finaly see her be cool and stuffs
Wonder what Charlie thought 'flailing' meant there...:)
Or which 'she' they were talking about
If she walks like an angel, talks like an angel, flails like an angel, does that mean she must be a devil in disguise? =OP
Yes. Yes it does Deof
I have to wonder about little Sam (Charlie) being shown in shy, demure, pigeon-toed poses. That is something that is almost exclusively a (socialized) "girl thang". Look at clothing and other ads with people aged 6-26. The males stand feet apart, chest out, arms relaxed, chin Ash in Frame 4; the females stand feet demurely together or pointed in, poor posture or looking frail, arms in (unless trying to be sassy or sexy), chin &/or eyes slightly Charlie/Sam in that frame. Hmmm.
Oh, and those shorts look like a skirt, and Charlie/Sam is wearing short sleeves, too, while Ash if fully covered in long sleeves and long pants. SOOO, opposite the usual gender roles.
Also, I have much experience seeing "girls" who look like "boys" and Ash does not look like a tomboy/future lesbian to me. Ash's face looks like male to me.