18th of May, 2020 (Monday)

Page 596

Comments (6)

18th of May, 2020 (Monday)
The reactions in the last panel.... Priceless.
Great facepalm!
Opus the Poet
Love that facepalm and "bit a lemon" from the time travellers.
20th of May, 2020 (Wednesday)
Up Here
Oh my. Oh my.
It just keeps getting better!
22nd of May, 2020 (Friday)
I feel like this is a callback, but this has been running for so long I have no idea.
11th of June, 2020 (Thursday)
I don't think it is a callback or anything. Time Travel Charlie is just facepalming at the "Smooth" moves of the Charlie of this time. I mean that has got to be embarrassing to see yourself screw up so bad.

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