To be fair, Charlie's seen the beginning of 2001 five times and the ending zero times.
Comments (6)
6th of April, 2020 (Monday)
Glorious Donkey Well, I found it a boring movie, too :) The space ship stuff was good, 'though. What most people do not know: _That_ stuff came pretty one-to-one from a short story, but not the stoney one everybody is referencing for the whole movie.
7th of April, 2020 (Tuesday)
SlugFiller Despite not having been there, shouldn't Ash have some clue about what 2001 is like? It's not like the world ended and was rebuilt since then. It's a bit like going back to the 70s and expecting wizards and dragons.
Opus the Poet But there were wizards in the early 70s, they were just left over from 1969. Pinball wizards.
TominAlbany Talking space-time reference is so confusing. I guess TARDIS hadn't shown up yet?
10th of April, 2020 (Friday)
Estherblise Hello to all In this puzzling span, I disposition you all Prize your family and friends
Up Here Hooray for updates! Gotta love frame two. Ash wasn’t expecting to go anywhere, so if one thing went wrong, why not two or three...? Props to Charlie’s bit of bravado in trying to lighten things up. Stay safe, everyone! (Gonna be hearing “Tommy” in my head all day now :-)
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Comments (6)
Well, I found it a boring movie, too :) The space ship stuff was good, 'though. What most people do not know: _That_ stuff came pretty one-to-one from a short story, but not the stoney one everybody is referencing for the whole movie.
Despite not having been there, shouldn't Ash have some clue about what 2001 is like? It's not like the world ended and was rebuilt since then. It's a bit like going back to the 70s and expecting wizards and dragons.
But there were wizards in the early 70s, they were just left over from 1969. Pinball wizards.
Talking space-time reference is so confusing. I guess TARDIS hadn't shown up yet?
Hello to all
In this puzzling span, I disposition you all
Prize your family and friends
Hooray for updates! Gotta love frame two. Ash wasn’t expecting to go anywhere, so if one thing went wrong, why not two or three...? Props to Charlie’s bit of bravado in trying to lighten things up.
Stay safe, everyone!
(Gonna be hearing “Tommy” in my head all day now :-)