Phlatus I thought those green eyes looked familiar. Oh, wait a minute.
ERA "But... earlier you said you were my father..." "And you're my mother." "what?" "Please tell me you didn't expect out relationship to make any temporal sense...."
Phlatus Demigods [shaking head].
17th of August, 2018 (Friday)
1908Colt Wait a minute. Did I miss something here? When did Charlie become a girl?
John That's Emi.
Up here Beautiful mood in panel three- posture, expression, and background.
randomdic Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.
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Comments (7)
I thought those green eyes looked familiar. Oh, wait a minute.
"But... earlier you said you were my father..."
"And you're my mother."
"Please tell me you didn't expect out relationship to make any temporal sense...."
Demigods [shaking head].
Wait a minute. Did I miss something here? When did Charlie become a girl?
That's Emi.
Beautiful mood in panel three- posture, expression, and background.
Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.