You thought the mystery was about that time travel thing, didn't you? Surprise, it's about a little girl's middle name.
Comments (4)
23rd of January, 2015 (Friday)
pitrolita HA! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!
3rd of April, 2015 (Friday)
The one who NOX the greatest mystery of them all... next to the disapprence of socks in the dyrer or the light source of refrigerators......
22nd of July, 2015 (Wednesday)
Hinoron HA! Is it "hole"? Or maybe something close, like "Howle"? (I am just NOT a good person. -_-)
6th of October, 2015 (Tuesday)
Mightymarkus The mystery is "Where is all the BLOOD? And the gore? On the socks?" And the mask thing, of course. Hey, at least I am paying attention here.
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Comments (4)
the greatest mystery of them all...
next to the disapprence of socks in the dyrer
or the light source of refrigerators......
HA! Is it "hole"? Or maybe something close, like "Howle"?
(I am just NOT a good person. -_-)
The mystery is "Where is all the BLOOD? And the gore? On the socks?" And the mask thing, of course. Hey, at least I am paying attention here.