5th of June, 2017 (Monday)

Page 471

Dogs are basically land sea bears.

Comments (11)

5th of June, 2017 (Monday)
Kid Cthulhu
And with that, Emi becomes the readers' favorite character.
What? She wasn't already? :)
I predict that Emi is going to end up loving dogs.
that kiwi guy
"It runs. It must want to play chase!"
Land Sea bears!
Next up: Swans. Basically Sky land sea bears.
6th of June, 2017 (Tuesday)
It's worth pointing out that this beach vacation features no socks, and is therefore a true vacation for the characters of Blood Splattered Socks. ;)
Sister Grif
Emi is the cutest
@Jerry: Emi's not part of the cast proper until her foot bleeds in a sock.
Opus the Poet
@ERA but can she bleed? Sock or not.
Sister Grif
@Opus the Poet yeah, a few pages back she said "I'm as human as you are" to Charlie. Sounds like she was created artificially, but is still human.

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