7th of September, 2015 (Monday)

Page 277

Don't be silly. Sam doesn't have the figure to pull off a good dress.

Comments (10)

7th of September, 2015 (Monday)
Why do I expect a curveball and we get Sam in a dress for the wedding...
This wedding is either going to go perfectly, or rapidly descend into chaos early on. Or I'm wrong. Personally, I'm rooting for the chaos.
I dunno. Have Sam try something that shows lots of leg. He might have the calves to pull it off if he shaves. šŸ˜†
-.- are you contemplating young girls in dresses very peculiar (\ .,. /)
ayyy lmao (ā—‹uā—‹)
Kid Cthulhu
@zhourahl. The Assassin could always crash the rehearsal dinner...
But Charlie! The assassin won't think to look for you in a dress!
8th of September, 2015 (Tuesday)
Needs a disguise
@miss teddy
Either cut or colour the hair. Even a wig might do. Whether he ends up looking like a boy (for a change) or a girl in a dress doesn't matter so long as he isn't recognised.
more dresses
Sam in a wedding dress? Don't think the artist would reduce him to a bridesmaids dress.
We will end up seeing most of the cast in a dress sooner or later. We just had 2 of them and the wedding will add another...
29th of November, 2018 (Thursday)
Re-reading this in the amazing future-year of 2018, it's eerily prophetic.

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