vyktorya this is soo weird... in the USA, its still tuesday the 17th, but this comic was released on Wednesday, the 18th....
jörg Not remembering the photos are from himself. . ?
Lloyd Laugh out loud funny! Thank you.
anom the book changed colors
DMAN @anom it just became unlocked by entering the password: bopping someone on the head with it.
Me, not you You deserved that, Ash
Rick You'd think Sam would be trying to HIDE the photos that show how his 'son' looks A LOT like a younger version of himself.
Anna @anom @DMAN Shadows... The light source in the 5th panel is behind the book, while in the 7th, the point of view has changed and we can see the actual color of the book.
Wheatley @Rick Ash already knows.
Rock *snrk* Wonderful response by Sam to the annoyingly unknowing youngster. ;)
Kid Cthulhu When all else fails, BAP!
19th of November, 2015 (Thursday)
xero Damn kids with there internets and pronouncing gif with a j
20th of November, 2015 (Friday)
DMAN @Anna, you actually thought I was serious? :^)
24th of November, 2015 (Tuesday)
Muse Ash is like the Anti-Charlie. He knows nothing of modern stuff and she knows nothing BUT modern stuff.
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Comments (18)
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Silly ash, older photos aren't printouts
oh this should be good ^^
this is soo weird... in the USA, its still tuesday the 17th, but this comic was released on Wednesday, the 18th....
Not remembering the photos are from himself. . ?
Laugh out loud funny! Thank you.
the book changed colors
@anom it just became unlocked by entering the password: bopping someone on the head with it.
You deserved that, Ash
You'd think Sam would be trying to HIDE the photos that show how his 'son' looks A LOT like a younger version of himself.
@anom @DMAN
Shadows... The light source in the 5th panel is behind the book, while in the 7th, the point of view has changed and we can see the actual color of the book.
@Rick Ash already knows.
*snrk* Wonderful response by Sam to the annoyingly unknowing youngster. ;)
When all else fails, BAP!
Damn kids with there internets and pronouncing gif with a j
@Anna, you actually thought I was serious? :^)
Ash is like the Anti-Charlie. He knows nothing of modern stuff and she knows nothing BUT modern stuff.