13th of November, 2015 (Friday)

Page 306

Can't you see all the nothing going on!

Comments (12)

13th of November, 2015 (Friday)
Wow Ash, brown loafers with no socks and a black suit?
Eirika R.
I wonder if he suspects, or if he thinks Ash punched him or something in an argument.
Pretty sure she's wearing socks... different color tone
ash looks better than the guys in that suit.
You are a little behind the times. Brown shoes are now accepted with any color suit. No socks have been fashionable for many years.
Oooooooh! Noooooothing. Been there little me. Been THERE.
Ash is walking all manly in the first panel and shuts Charlie down in the third. Well, I guess we can see who wears the pants in that er... relationship(?). Maybe it would have been better if Charlie did wear that dress after all.
@Wally I agree, that would probably have been for the best.
@Tober, I love what has been happening with the comic recently, keep it going strong!
Is this all done in a toon-shader now?
Nothing in tbe air. [Spark Intensifies] B^)
Nice effect / use of light and shade in the second last panel.
15th of November, 2015 (Sunday)
So she /did/ friggin' bite his lip or something? Wow...
I love your comic more and more as time goes on, I /love/ it, keep up the great work, Tober!

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