18th of September, 2015 (Friday)

Page 282

Well, you'll get hurt, anyway.

Comments (15)

18th of September, 2015 (Friday)
I can see murder in his eyes
Lil'Sam doesn't flail like an angel...
Kid Cthulhu
Actually, I think the Chrono-Assassin arriving might actually make things less tense right about now. I can only imagine what's going on in Ash's head right now.
lol, this should be entertaining. also, Johnny is mean.
Oh, that's mean. Both of them. Get a grip, guys, stop acting like 3 year olds.
At least one of them has the excuse of actually being eleven years old.
Well. This is going to be war... I'm thinking food fight!
I've never heard a Stradbroke Island story that sucked, hope we hear it later.
What are they eating? Nice place, by the way.
He says that, while leaning back on his own chair.
Kate, seriously, what do you see in him?
Fling your plate of food in his face, Charlie! Don't let him get away with that!
This is going to mess up his life when he actually does go back.
19th of September, 2015 (Saturday)
This is where he finishes what he was saying standing up.
20th of September, 2015 (Sunday)
@wit there's not exactly any plans for him to ever go back... the point of avoiding "a darker future" would kinda' be ruined if he did return to his own timeline.
16th of July, 2016 (Saturday)
Magic Trees
I'm going to fucking kill him no one can stop me

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