Not really helping the 'My dad's alright' case there, Emi
Comments (4)
7th of May, 2018 (Monday)
Phlatus "Is he alright?" Looks like Charlie developed a little Stockholm syndrome around Rothwell. And maybe Tober is signaling that we haven't seen the last of him.
Dudeness I have to say, with the blue background and the line art, I really have problems keeping track of who is who sometimes
G I wonder if perhaps Rothwell may have told Charlie something we are not aware of yet, cause didn't he say he had decided not to kill him?
9th of May, 2018 (Wednesday)
Phlatus Me too, Dudeness, but I appreciate that Tober puts the line drawings up for us in spite of being ill. Here's to a speedy recovery, Tober, and thanks for keeping us entertained.
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