pheonixghost aww, i wanted to see the pair of them in dresses! and cream does seem to be EXCEPTIONALLY in this season.
Charidan I'm surprised it took me until the last panel to realize the background was 3D. It was the shiny head of the manikin that finally tipped me off.
memBrain Kudos for the use of 3D models well. As was pointed out earlier, you can have any color you want as long as it's cream (looks more on the yellow end of the spectrum to me...whatever).
memBrain Seriously though, the 3D models/scene look great. You can keep making use of them so long as the characters don't change (much) and I wouldn't mind. Dabbling in 3D modeling myself, so I know this isn't a trivial matter. I think you just raised the bar on yourself.
Opus the Poet The local sports team must have this as their dominant color. But the manikins seem t be dressed more like Charlie.
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