that kiwi guy is that the crono guy?! ooo this is gonna be good.
Kid Cthulhu Real smooth there, Sam. Meanwhile, the Chrono-Assassin has just finished his slice of wedding cake and has some evil to commit. Chrono-evil.
RazorD9 @atemu1234: No it's Brendandicks Comforsnacks!
Potato Benderdome Cumbersnuffle?
Qwerty Sorry sir, you don't meet the dress code.
mra Wedding crasher!
Joseph Panel 4/5 (second-to-last): Is that woman with long blond hair falling asleep? Or is she staring up at the ceiling, saying "Oh god, kill me now..."? ;p
Vyktorya finally!
Matthew Bernal @Joseph I think it's a little girl. She's either bored to death or tuckered out from running around.
Drakey An invisible man standing next to Sam takes credit for punching out Jonny's teeth in panel three.
Me, not you D:
John M That is clearly two kids in an overcoat pretending to be a really tall man. I saw it on Scooby Doo or something. Oh boy, hijinks!
monsterzero Pretty sure that's Neil Gaiman.
Rock OH CRUD 0.0
That Guy If that guy (not me, the other one) is right handed, we don't know what he's holding, various different possibilities include guns, wedding presents, grenades...
24th of March, 2016 (Thursday)
zhourahl This is why they don't generally having 'attend family wedding' on the list of things to do when 'running away from assassin'.
that guy @That Guy: Sorry, I'm left-handed
:P @that guy. I think he meant that other, other that guy
that kiwi guy @:P Which guy? This guy?.
CHUD Wowboy... is this going the way of the Red Wedding?
20th of May, 2016 (Friday)
dave fred benadryl cucumber
The Frog Master Bumblebee Crackerjack
dave fred Whenpicnic Remembersnacks
The Frog Master Barbecue Chickenbreast
dave fred Butterball Chowderpants
herobrine87 Bimplestitch Wonkypatch
The Frog Master Boopwoop Shoopladoop
dave fred Bandicoot Cabbagepatch
The Frog Master Butterscotch Crustybuns
dave fred Benedonald Cumbertrump
The Frog Master ok now it's time to do something mildly productive
The Frog Master no wait bendynoodle crumperbunts
ok now i'm done
dave fred Bentleyjumper Crudelydrawn
29th of May, 2016 (Sunday)
Johnlock 5 ever OMG he even has the collared semi-trench coat
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