19th of February, 2016 (Friday)

Page 348

Comments (11)

19th of February, 2016 (Friday)
Poor Charlie. Can't catch a break. Unless you count having time cops show up and whisk him away to time witness protection. Except the time assassins seem to have tracked him to then, too, so...
Me, not you
Screwed if you do screwed if you don't, eh Charlie?
crap soon to be new mom caught me in the worst position for my age
Ash! Don't clench your teeth!
"She told me to! She said she'd hit me if I didn't!" "???"
Now the argument over whether or not it counts :)
that kiwi guy
"see i told you i have excellent
control, you were in no danger at all"
That Guy
Hnmmm... Interesting...
Well as long as nobody got hurt, it's not Eos' business why did he punch the air next to Ash, right?
Bad Ending... ^^; Or just abysmally poor timing.
My guess is that Eos's visit has nothing to do with the punch, though it does add a little more awkward to the situation.
20th of February, 2016 (Saturday)
"Charlie! That's not how you throw a punch."
It's acting too different. Faulty clone?

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