Liz Crying for a loss of a family dog, man. I respect that :)
14th of March, 2015 (Saturday)
Panda Look at his shirt. I think that may be some symbolism
3rd of April, 2015 (Friday)
The one who NOX and thus reality sets in for younger sam..
16th of November, 2015 (Monday)
Joseph Give him a hug, silly!
30th of December, 2015 (Wednesday)
Maple So Charlie was taken out of the year 2001 and put into 2017... Unless Sam claims that he's his son, he's gonna have a tough time explaining who this kid is, and that's gonna probably result in a lot of confusion/judgment.
Maple (Because of the whole having a kid at age 16 thing)
19th of May, 2016 (Thursday)
shoopydoop D':
28th of May, 2016 (Saturday)
Chug Eh, nephew, younger cousin, there's lots of relatives that could reasonably look like you.
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