It's very simple. Boys get to pee outside with ease, but in exchange they have to make offerings to the zipper god. So commandeth Zipthor, long may he reign.
Comments (17)
24th of April, 2015 (Friday)
Eirika R. Oh? What such offerings must you make to this... 'Zipthor'? As a person with lady-parts, I must gain access to this secret knowledge... lest be my sufferings of finding an actual rest-stop in an emergency.
shadowrunner2323 this is gonna be funny.
Mark Linimon Oh dear, how to explain this. Hmm. Well, see, there are little pieces of plastic or metal with sharp, nasty edges, versus, um, such sensitive, sensitive, skin ... And no matter how careful you are, at least once in your (male) life ... (shivers)
Rock Did Ash's parents and age-peers really fail to explain this aspect of human anatomy, or is she playing a trick? Ó_o
zhourahl Sheltered child?
Ross If she only had a funnel... They exist now, so certainly they would be around in the future?
TGWMOC @Ross But they're not in the future...
RazorD9 @TGWMOC: Charlie is though.
Lucky This isn't 2017 yet. Technically it's the future. I expect she will need to change her trousers soon after what she wants to do.
drakewithout All hail zipthor, ALL HAIL!!!!
OnlyOnce >>>>no matter how careful you are, at least once in your (male) life ... Oh the bad memories... *Shudder*
Wally To bad Ash isn't wearing a skirt... that could simplify things. Take off the underwear/boxers spread legs and go. Let gravity take over.
25th of April, 2015 (Saturday)
AWoman @Wally It's not that simple in a skirt either. Unless she does a full splits and is somehow elevated, It'll run down her legs.
Cari That's a pretty sheltered life that girl is leading... I mean at 11 in this day and age she should be pretty well versed on the internet and the dark parts of it. In fact I dare say she should knows more about sex than adult Sam. Still I can't help but wonder what is up with Ash.... something strange... I have a few thoughts but just can't put my finger on it.
3rd of August, 2015 (Monday)
Jono That's why men wear belts lose if at all... crudely put, just whip it over instead of through. Only downside is that's not always an option
22nd of February, 2016 (Monday)
RHS0 @Mark. Aaaaand that's why I don't wear pants with zippers.
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