Sam built a program that played this game while at university, so he's really good at it.
Comments (8)
20th of April, 2015 (Monday)
Whalesharker It says it was posted on April 20th but I'm reading it on the 19th.... Time travel!
mra the license plate game we had when we were kids was just to point out a plate from out of state and see who could spot the most
Icarus Dreams I've got a third version here. We looked for a plate with the letter "A", then "B", and so on. After "Z" came "1" through "0". Whoever found the most won the round, and you restarted at "A". Sometimes we even used road signs or the non-identification-based parts of a plate.
SporNightReloaded I have played the last version. Also, @Whalesharker, @tober is in Australia, so if you are in the US he posts on HIS 20th, but it is our 19th, okay?
ois all of sams vocabulary
Deof Movestofca Another version I've seen is to see who can spot the most recent in-state license plate (since non-vanity plates tend to be produced sequentially).
21st of April, 2015 (Tuesday)
Schitzree @ SporNightReloaded: So as you go backwards around the world, time goes backwards too? The Superman Movie Was Right!
Wally There's probably an App for that to down load to your cell phone
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