I apologise in advance to anyone who has ever played a game of football. This is an accurate representation of my writing process for this chapter.
Comments (10)
17th of December, 2014 (Wednesday)
Yochanan Are these girls? Slap me sideways, but every webcomic character on Jeeves has me asking "boy or girl, boy or girl!".
Tober Some of them are boys and some of them are girls. I thought it would be a bit mean for Ash to corral Charlie into an all-girls team.
shadowrunner2323 seems like a legit writing process. XD
Jelly That video... I would watch that movie so hard if it were real.
Eirika R. Uh oh... looks like Charlie's about to be a very... /Memorable/ goalie. The huddle/blob of kids there made me laugh XD ( not in a mean/criticizing way, I like it c: )
Guesticus Thought that blob was them behind a wall, their shorts are brown not red. And yes, at that age you tend to have mixed teams
Rock @ Tober: I see Ash is taking refuge in a flexible application of the word 'catch'... :p
Opus the Poet Didn't he "catch" those balls with hs face?
18th of December, 2014 (Thursday)
Rock Nope. Other end...
19th of December, 2014 (Friday)
Guesticus She could have said 'stopped' instead of 'catch'
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