12th of February, 2016 (Friday)

Page 345

Comments (13)

12th of February, 2016 (Friday)
awww just like if they were married for multiple years
'K. Where's the cut on his lip? Is it only there when they're fighting? As soon as they make up, it's gone?
Or just an oversight? I'm thinking - not likely with the other small details we've seen.
That Guy
"We're not married."
"Come on, we're a little married."
"I know..."
Kid Cthulhu
Tober, good use of high & low angles here!
some anon
toetoe2, I think the cut is still there; it's just closer in color to his lip.
Me, not you
Come on guys, kiss and make up!
toetoe2, the cut is here, just pale and hard to see ^-^
That Guy
I feel like those bully kids are going to tease them for being together, and/or they're going to kiss on that walk alone together.
*starts chant* kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss...
Opus the Poet
You can see the cut lip in the last panel.
13th of February, 2016 (Saturday)
pervy thoughts
now rip each others clothes off and commence the act of making up. then they will get married and she will become the time travelers wife mw hahaha... you need to start paying me for these ideas.
Sometimes a fight is just communication, Ash. ^_^ And boys and girls do tend to respond differently to fights.
The cut on his lip is in every panel, but the blood has dried so it's gotten faint.

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